Hi Friends,
Sorry if the link below doesn't work. Over the break I'm going to freshen up my creative skills and hopefully start posting some cool videos. I think I need to ask for a video camera, one of those tiny ones, for xmas.
WE JUST FINISHED OUR LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! Doing the happy dance!!!
Next week is finals and then we get a few weeks off! YAY, then only 8 more quarters left til we are nurses.
This last 10 days or so have been the hardest. I'm so thankful for my classmates, if it wasn't for them, I'm not sure I would have gotten through this tough time. Thank you everyone!!!! Big thanks to Ms. Fry too! Crazy how I feel so cared about by people I didn't even know a few months ago. Feels good! =)
Wishing everyone a happy weekend, go do the happy dance too but not recommended with a cocktail in hand...unless you're a professional! ;)
Until next time, S